
Thursday, April 14, 2011

How to Use Instinct on the School Computers

So I'm sure everyone has run into the problem (or will run into the problem) where they include instinct.h but the compiler says that it can't find the file. Here's how to fix that (note that this only works on the school computers!):

  1. Create a new folder in your home directory (you can get there by clicking Places at the top of the screen, then Home) named Instinct Template (to add a new folder/directory right click on an empty portion of the window and select Create New Directory).
  2. Go to the CS 10 iLearn.
  3. Click the Course Materials tab.
  4. Click the folder Code::Blocks and Instinct Resources.
  5. Download the two files under Instinct Graphics Package in CodeBlocks into the folder you created earlier (to select a place to download to, when the download box comes up, select Browse for Other Folders (I think it says something like that anyways)).
  6. Create your new project folder wherever you want (like Programming/CS10/Assg2) then copy the contents of your Instinct Template folder into the new project folder.
  7. Double click the .CBP (not the .CPP) file in your new project folder.
  8. Program like you normally would.
  9. Remember to always open the .CBP file and never the .CPP file, because otherwise you'll get that instinct.h not found error.
If anyone has any problems with this please post here or email me.

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