
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Session Outline: Wednesday, April 13, 12:10 PM to 1:00 PM SURGE 113 and 2:10 PM to 4:00 PM ENGR2 129

Monday's Session

I was out of the state on Monday so I wasn't able to hold a session. Fortunately last week didn't introduce much new content so I'll be able to easily do a review at the beginning of class on Wednesday.


The goal for this session is to get everyone comfortable with the iomanip library and the instinct graphics package, along with being able to work with constants, enumerations, classes, object.


  1. [0-10 min] Q & A on anything that's been covered
  2. [5-10 min] Go over past quizzes
  3. [5 min] Go over essentials
    1. Declaring/initializing/assigning/modifying/etc. variables
    2. Stream insertion and extraction (cin and cout)
    3. Arithmetic with various data types
    4. Strings, concatenation, etc.
  4. [5-10 min] Recap on coding style
    1. Logic/Logical Blocks
    2. Commenting
    3. Naming
  5. [10-20 min] Formatting output collective excersize
  6. [10-20] Instinct 
  7. [10-20 min] Objects
    1. Data Members
    2. Methods (A.K.A. Member Functions)
    3. Class vs. Instance
  8. [5 min] Constants
  9. [5-10 min] Enumerations
Lab Session

Our lab will be very similar to one of your typical labs for CS 10. You can think of it as a practice run for the real labs, however, it will be most useful as a time to put what you've learned into practice and actually cement it all into your mind before you are quizzed on it.

For this week's lab we will be making simple graphical application using instinct. As you will be required to know how to use instinct for next weeks lab I thoroughly recommend coming to lab this week especially since Kris has said he will not go over everything that you need to know in class.

As instinct won't be covered fully until next week, this lab is optional and provided to you so you might get a head start. If you would like to simply come in to get help on your homework or anything else that is perfectly acceptable. Since instinct can be very difficult however, I'd recommend taking the chance to poke ahead a little bit.

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