
Monday, April 18, 2011

Session Outline: Monday, April 18, 5:10 PM to 6:00 PM SURGE 113

Wednesday's Session

Thank you everyone who showed up last Wednesday. Sorry about jumping past what you guys knew, hopefully you got some useful help anyways.
Note however that I can no longer help directly with people's assignments (CodeLab is ok though). I was chastised about that over the weekend, I was apparently never allowed to but I got a bit confused when I was told about it.. As a result from now on there will be three lab assignments on Wednesdays which you can choose from, one modeled close to the homework due over the weekend (covering the same concepts such that if you understand what your doing in the lab you'll be able to do the homework without too much trouble), one modeled close to the lab assignment the next week, and one pulling together a number of different concepts (kind of an extra credit one, but instead of extra credit maybe I'll give you a doughnut or something). Hopefully this will facilitate everyone, no matter where your at in the class.


The goal for this session is to ensure everyone understands the dot operator (.) and how to work with objects (especially the instinct objects). I'd also like to introduce boolean logic and go over the if statement.

Key Terms

These are the key terms everyone should be familiar with at this point. You should also look at the key terms listed in previous sessions as you should of course know those as well.

Dot Operator - The dot (.) operator is used for "direct member access." In other words, it allows you to access the members of objects.
If Statement - Executes code based upon some boolean condition.
Instinct - The graphics package that you are using for CS 10. It gives you access to things like the win object.
Syntax Error - An error that occurs because you didn't write you code in a way that the compiler can understand. You can recognize these by the fact that you won't get a program when you try to compile.
Runtime Error - An error that occurs during runtime. Runtime error is a very general term and covers many different scenarios, but usually, if your program crashes a runtime error occured.
Logic Error - An error that doesn't crash your program or keep it from being compiled, but you're not geting the desired output (for example, a program that adds 5 numbers but actually multiplies them).


  1. [0-10 min] Q & A on anything that's been covered
  2. [5-10 min] Go over today's quiz.
  3. [5-10 min] If Statements
  4. [5-10 min] Dot Operator
    1. Member Functions
  5. [10 min] Passing By Value
  6. [2-10 min] Instinct Questions
    1. Colors
    2. Coordinate System
    3. Address confusion on the move member function
  7. [10-20 min] More If Statments
    1. Comparison Operators (== vs. =, <, >, <=, >=)
    2. Boolean Data Type
    3. Boolean Logic (AND, OR, NOT)
  8. [5 min] New Style Considerations
    1. Indentation for blocks
    2. Commenting if statements

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