
Monday, May 9, 2011

Session Outline: Monday, May 9, 5:10 PM to 6:00 PM SURGE 113


The goal of this lesson is to make sure everyone absorbed all the material from last week (and make sure no one is behind in the content) and get everyone prepared for the new material this week.


  1. [0-10 min] Q & A 
  2. [10 min] Mini-Quiz
    1. [Break up the following code into separate functions]
      int main()
          int input;
          cout << "Enter a number: ";
          cin >> input;

          int input2;
          cout << "Enter another number : ";
          cin >> input2;

          for (int i = input; i < input2; ++i)
              cout << i;

          for (int i = input2; i < input; ++i)
              cout << i;

          return 0;
  3. [10-15 min] Review of Functions
    1. Modularity (how to use functions)
    2. Syntax
    3. Forward Declarations
  4. [0-5 min] Review of If Statements 
    1. Blocks 
    2. Comparison Operators 
    3. Boolean Logic Operators 
    4. Conditional Expressions Outside of the If Statement
  5. [5-10 min] Review of For and While Loops 
    1. Output a countdown from a given n 
    2. The do ... while loop 
    3. Control Flow 
    4. Loop Invariant (There should be a condition that is true at the start of the loop and after each iteration of the loop) 
  6. [5-15 min] Review of Scoping 
  7. [5-15 min] Go over essentials 
    1. Declaring/initializing/assigning/modifying/etc. variables 
    2. Stream insertion and extraction (cin and cout) 
    3. Arithmetic with various data types 
    4. Strings, concatenation, etc. 
  8. [5-10 min] Review of Dot Operator

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